Easy Steps that Can Help You Add Layer in Photoshop
If you want to control the influence of how transparent a layer can be in Photoshop, then you need to master the process of how to do layer masking because that is the only way you can have success in such process. Even though such transparency can still be controlled with the use of other methods, you will have very high degree of flexibility with masking.
What you will soon discover are the simple steps that you can take today to add layer in your Photoshop environment. Without knowing these steps you may not be able to do layer masking. These steps will be stated below for your benefits.
Have the Layer Selected
Make sure to be as specific as you can by highlighting any of the layers that you would like to mask. A function as this can only be possible through the visibility of the layer in question.
Have an Area Selected
In this stage, you will need to have the area that you would want revealed selected. The marquee tool can be very helpful in this regards. If you are confused about how to find it, you can use the M button on your keyboard to activate it. In this stage, you can also choose the type of edge that you would want. If you desire the one that is soft, then you may need to do some adjustments on your feather radius. This should be done prior to the selection.
It is Time to Create the Mask
Locate the “Add layer mask” and have it clicked on. This button is always located under the layers palette. Another way that you can do this is to go to the menu of the layer, look for layer mask, have it selected and then locate the “reveal section”. Once you can do this very well, you will notice the combination between the image and its background. It is just perfect.
The key to mastering this side of Photoshop is constant practice as you may not get it right the first time. However, once you can persist, you will surely arrive at where you are supposed to be. That is being a pro in the process of layer masking.